2nd 2024 GeneHumdi Call for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs)

This is the 2nd Call for applications for Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) funded by the COST Action CA21113 “Genome Editing to Treat Humans Diseases” (GenE-Humdi) CA21113.

Why do we encourage Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSM) within the framework of the GeneHumdi COST Action?

The board of GeneHumdi is pleased to announce the availability of Short-Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) through the COST Action program and encourages researchers to apply. These missions offer researchers the opportunity to conduct short visits to research institutions or laboratories in other COST countries, with the aim of strengthening existing networks and fostering collaboration. STSMs also provide researchers with the chance to learn new techniques or use equipment, data, and/or methods that may not be available in their own institution, while contributing to the scientific objectives of the Action. We strongly urge interested researchers to take advantage of this unique opportunity to expand their scientific knowledge and contribute to the advancement of their respective fields.

Participants in the COST Action program’s Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) have a great opportunity to focus their work on research topics that have been highlighted by GenE-Humdi’s 8 Working Groups (WGs) or to introduce new ideas that address the objectives of the project. We encourage researchers to take advantage of this opportunity to enhance their scientific knowledge and contribute to the advancement of their respective fields. (Details on the content and goals of WGs is available in the Action’s Memorandum of Understanding (MoU).

Guidelines for applicants:
  • Individuals are supported financially with travel grants for four Short Term Scientific Missions (STSMs) offered by GenE-Humdi. Grantees are responsible for making their own arrangements for travel, accommodation, and other logistics.
  • STSMs must be completed within the 2nd Grant Period of the Action, which ends in October 2024. While there is no maximum duration for visits, the minimum visit should be at least 5 days, including travel time.
  • The deadline for submitting applications is August 24th, 2024. Notification of decisions will be made by September 9th, 2024.
  • During this period, STSM grants are awarded up to a maximum of 4,000€. Applicants are encouraged to review the Annotated Rules for COST Actions.
  • The STSM travel grants are open to researchers and innovators who are associated with a legal entity in a COST Full/Cooperative Member, Near Neighbour Country, or European RTD. While all eligible candidates are encouraged to apply, young researchers and innovators under the age of 40 are particularly encouraged to participate.
Application instructions:
  1. To apply for an STSM, applicants must utilize the e-COST management tool. It is mandatory for all applicants to possess an e-COST profile.
  2. To apply for an STSM, the applicant must utilize the e-COST management tool to submit their request. Along with the necessary information provided on the website, applicants are required to upload specific documents in a single PDF file:
  • A brief CV that highlights recent publications.
  • The STSM proposal outlining the research objectives and methodology.
  • The requested budget in euros.
  • A confirmation letter from the host institution.
  • Applicants who require further information on the submission process via the e-COST system can refer to the Grant Awarding User Guide.
  • After completing the STSM, the recipient must submit a brief report outlining the results of their visit. The report must be submitted no later than 30 days following the end date of the STSM, or 15 days after the end of the Grant Period, whichever comes first. It is important to note that if the report is not submitted on time, the grant will be revoked. Once the report has been approved, the grant payment is expected to be processed within 30 days.
Evaluation of applications:

The GeneHumdi Grant Awarding committee will assess each proposal individually and provide an evaluation score based on several factors. These factors include:

  1. The clarity of the proposal.
  2. The degree to which the proposed STSM complements or contributes to the strategic priorities and objectives of the Action as defined in the MoU.
  3. The feasibility of the planned work plan and outputs, and the ability of the STSM applicant to successfully complete the proposed STSM and disseminate relevant outputs.

It is important that the proposal clearly demonstrates how the proposed STSM will benefit both the applicant and the Action.

The proposal will be categorized based on its evaluation score, within 5 categories:

  1. Poor: (0-25): The proposal will be considered poor if it is unsound, incomprehensive, and lacks clear links to any of the WGs
  2. Fair: (26-50): A proposal with limited understanding, unclear objectives, and weak linkage to at least one Working Group
  3. Good: (51-75): A proposal is one that is well-linked to at least one WG and needs input to develop feasible STSM
  4. Excellent: (76-100): well-thought-out plan with clear feasibility and expected outcomes. It is highly relevant to at least one of the WGs

The top four proposals with the highest scores will be awarded the STSM grants.


Funded STSM must align with at least one (or more) of the following topics:

  • Topic 1: Mapping the existing endonuclease-Independ platforms (EIP) and their potential output in different applications, efficacy, specificity of the available endonucleases independent GE tools.
  • Topic 2: Mapping the existing endonuclease platforms (EIP) and their potential output in different applications, efficacy, specificity of the available endonucleases independent GE tools.
  • Topic 3: Delivery methods used for GE of the different cell types that are used for clinical applications. non-viral systems, based on ribonucleoparticles (RNP) or plasmids, are the ex vivo systems of choice to deliver the GE complex into the target cells.
  • Topic 4: Delivery methods used for in vivo GE in different animal models and in clinical settings. Including comparison of efficacy and specificity data for different GE tools delivered by different methods in each tissue/organ of interest.
  • Topic 5: The establishment of a standardized pipeline for the unbiased identification and quantification of CRISPR off-target sites for therapeutic applications.
  • Topic 6: Assessment of recombination events in gene editing approaches
  • Topic 7: Comparison of the different constrains in the HDR-mediated gene editing in the most primitive HSPCs, and how the HDR may be enhanced.
  • Topic 8: The evaluation of different GE strategies to target Hematopoietic stem cells in Fanconi anaemia cells in vitro, the sickle cell disease and beta-thalassemia, collagen VI deficiency and Emery Derfuss muscular dystrophy.
  • Topic 9: Market research study and competitive analysis on gene editing based medicines including the following tasks: (i) Market opportunity. Target niche; (ii) Definition of targeted market, sales by category (product, territory, class and market share (sales peak, defining at least three different scenarios), positioning, market drivers and barriers.
  • Topic 10: The analyse of regulatory requirements for the commercialization of gene editing based medicines.
Question and inquiries:

Please contact GeneHumdi:

Webinar series 2024

🚀 GenE-HumDi News! 🚀

Are you a young researcher looking to expand your knowledge and network? Look no further! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new webinar series organized by young researchers, for young researchers.

🔬 Each session will feature an invited speaker sharing insights on cutting-edge topics in science and career development. Join us for an hour of inspiration, learning, and networking.

🗓️ Mark your calendars! Our next session is on June 25th at 3 pm CET. Expert, Paula Rio, will discuss “CRISPR Clinical Trials: current progress and future perspectives in in vivo approaches.”

💬 Don’t miss out on the chance to engage with our speakers! Each session includes a Q&A, and for those interested in diving deeper, we offer one-on-one “Meet the Expert” sessions where you can discuss science and career development. We have limited spots available, so reply to this email if you’d like to be selected for the meet-the-expert session.

📝 We’ll be back to you soon with the webinar link, so stay tuned and mark the date on your agenda!

🤙Spread the word to your young researcher peers. If you know someone who would be interested, encourage them to join us for our webinar series!

Paula Río, Biologist, PhD (UCM) is the head of Bone Marrow Failure Unit at CIEMAT/CIBERER/IIS-FJD, UAM; Madrid, Spain. She has been working in the field of gene therapy of Fanconi anaemia (FA) for more than 20 years, where she has focused on the design of a lentiviral vector for the correction of haematopoietic stem cells in patients with FA and its application in the clinic, with very promising results for patients. She is currently an associate researcher in two gene therapy clinical trials based on the pre-clinical studies developed by the group.

Since 2010 her work has focused on the search for new strategies to correct haematopoietic stem cells from FA patients by gene editing, a field in which she is coordinator of a European project and participates as principal investigator in other national and European projects.

She has published more than 55 papers in the field of gene therapy. She is elected president of the Spanish Society of Gene and Cell Therapy and member of several scientific advisory committees, including the American Fanconi Anemia Research Foundation, the Gene Editing committees of the American Society for Gene Therapy and European Society for Gene and Cell Therapy and the Emerging Gene and Cell Therapies subcommittee from the American Society of Hematology.

We are happy to announce that CRISPR NEWS MEDICINE has offered to help us organizing the first webinars.
So, please register online to attend this free webinar at:

Past Webinars 2024

🚀 GenE-HumDi News! 🚀

watch again our June 11th, 20204 Webinar “CRISPR Clinical Trials: current progress and future perspectives in ex vivo approaches.”

Are you a young researcher looking to expand your knowledge and network? Look no further! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new webinar series organized by young researchers, for young researchers.

🔬 Each session will feature an invited speaker sharing insights on cutting-edge topics in science and career development. Join us for an hour of inspiration, learning, and networking.

🗓️ Mark your calendars! Our inaugural session is on June 11th at 3 pm CET. Our first expert, Annarita Miccio, will discuss “CRISPR Clinical Trials: current progress and future perspectives in ex vivo approaches.”

💬 Don’t miss out on the chance to engage with our speakers! Each session includes a Q&A, and for those interested in diving deeper, we offer one-on-one “Meet the Expert” sessions where you can discuss science and career development. We have limited spots available, so reply to this email if you’d like to be selected for the meet-the-expert session.

📝 We’ll be back to you soon with the webinar link, so stay tuned and mark the date on your agenda!

🤙Spread the word to your young researcher peers. If you know someone who would be interested, encourage them to join us for our webinar series!

Prof. Annarita Miccio, Lab Director of the Laboratory of Chromatin and Gene Regulation during Development at the Imagine Institute in Paris will discuss “CRISPR Clinical Trials: current progress and future perspectives in ex vivo approaches” past June 11th ,at 3:00 pm CET.
Stay tuned for the CRISPR MEDICINE NEWS link to secure your seat and chat with field experts about the present and future of therapeutic genome editing.

Did you miss Annarita Miccio Webinar?
You can Watch it on Demand thanks to CRISPR NEWS MEDICINE.
Follow this link and watch again our June 11th, 20204 Webinar “CRISPR Clinical Trials: current progress and future perspectives in ex vivo approaches.”

🚀 GenE-HumDi News! 🚀

Are you a young researcher looking to expand your knowledge and network? Look no further! We’re thrilled to announce the launch of our new webinar series organized by young researchers, for young researchers.

🔬 Each session will feature an invited speaker sharing insights on cutting-edge topics in science and career development. Join us for an hour of inspiration, learning, and networking.

🗓️ Mark your calendars! Our inaugural session is on May 27th at 10 am CET. Our first expert, Marc Güell, will discuss “Strategies and tools for ex vivo and in vivo genome editing.”

💬 Don’t miss out on the chance to engage with our speakers! Each session includes a Q&A, and for those interested in diving deeper, we offer one-on-one “Meet the Expert” sessions where you can discuss science and career development. We have limited spots available, so reply to this email if you’d like to be selected for the meet-the-expert session.

📝 We’ll be back to you soon with the webinar link, so stay tuned and mark the date on your agenda!

🤙Spread the word to your young researcher peers. If you know someone who would be interested, encourage them to join us for our webinar series!

WG3 , delivery strategies webinar

Rosario M Sanchez Martin from Genyo center (University of Granada, Granada, Spain) will introduce us to the world of nanoparticles and their potential applications to  HSCs. This will be followed by an open discussion.:

Nanoparticles based delivery of gene editing tools in HSCs

Day: February 29th

Time: 10:30 CET

Chair: Annarita Miccio

Connect to the meeting online:

No longer available

GeneHumdi #SummerCourse2024

GeneHumdi chair Karim Benabdellah has confirmed the.. participation of the COST Action CA21113 in the incoming training school “Comprehensive Understanding of the latest advancements in gene editing delivery methods” in collaboration with the National Institute of chemistry. It will be held this summer June 26-28 in Ljubljana, Slovenia.

The course will be locally organized by esteemed Dr. Duško Lainšček and Prof Roman Jerala from the National Chemistry Institut (Ljubljana, Slovenia). They will count with the collaboration of Dr. Dhano Gupta from Institute of Developmental & Regenerative Medicine, Oxford university (Oxford, UK).

The course orchestrates around dissecting efficacy and specificity of cutting-edge genome editing technologies considering the major layers that are needed for the success of clinical genome editing interventions. The syllabus articulates around 3 blocks:

Evaluating efficacy and specificity of various genome editing tools. And including the comparison of different delivery methods for optimal outcomes.

Investigating in vivo genome editing techniques in animal models and clinical scenarios. And assessing efficacy and specificity within specific tissues and organs.
Check the full program bellow:

From the Genome Editing for the treatment of human diseases (GeneHumdi, COST CA21113), we are happy to announce that we count with the support and expertise of many members interested and the participation of the action chair Karim Benabdel Lah and SCC F. Javier Molina as coordinators.

For more info on the Summer School Applications and COST support options, follow us GeneHumdi on the LinkedIn GeneHumdi Page, Twitter @genehumdi or our web updates at www.genehumdi.eu


COST Action 20113 Encourage the participation of new Inclusiveness Target Countries (ITCs) and Near Neighbour Countries (NNCs) in Action activities.

COST Action CA21113, Genome editing for the treatment of human disease: Gene-Humdi, is opening the 2024 call for Inclusive Target Countries and Near Neighbour Countries. We provide funding opportunities to ITC and NCC members attending to Conferences and Meetings aligned with mission of the GeneHumdi Network. You can prepare by learning more about our mission at www.genehumdi.eu or looking for a suitable mentor among our amazing members listed HERE.

2024.03.05 UPDATE

As now the first call for ICT/NCC applicants is Open!!

⚠Be aware of 2024 policies ⚠

Please refer to the guidelines for more info.:


Do you want to give a boost to your Genome Editing project abroad?
Are you an enthusiastic student/young investigator from an EU member country?
Would you like to embrace an international experience supervised by a top GenEd scientist?

COST Action CA21113, Genome editing for the treatment of human disease: Gene-Humdi, is opening the 2024 call for Short Term Scientific Missions Soon. We provide funding opportunities for short stays in laboratory across EU. This year we also feature support for Inclusiveness Target Countries and or Near Neighbor Countries. You can prepare by learning more about our mission at www.genehumdi.eu or looking for a suitable mentor among our amazing members listed HERE.

2024.03.05 UPDATE

As now the first call for STMS applicants is Open!!

STSM stands for Shor Term Scientific Mission, which means we want you to live the most exciting scientific experience of your carrer so far.

STMS offer the possibility to grow as a scientist, experience and learn excellence in research by the hand of any of our outstanding members. Polish your communicative abilities and contribute to the advance of our scientific community.

STMS will ask from you to present a thorough proposal, to explain the research that you perform, to become a relevant member contributing to the mission of our COST Action CA23113 network.

Please refer to the guidelines for more info.:


The biggest Gene Editing for the treatment of Human Disease with be held in Limassol 8-10 April:Conference, WG sessions and Networking opportunities await in Cyprus


Last year the COST Action Meeting had a blast of Kick-off meeting, with close to a hundred assistant from over 20 nationalities. High level scientific, industry and regulatory presentations. Ex cursus, we enjoyed great scientific exchange and collaboration opportunities during the conference and the networking initiatives facilitated by our networking partners. Despite the intense agenda most GeneHumdi members end up thirsty for more.(You can refresh the meeting here abstracts: GeneHumdi2023Meetin Drive link)

We waited almost a year, and finally, the first draft of the most waited European Gene Editing the treatment of Human disease Meeting is here!!
The GeneHumdy Action thanks the extraordinary labour of the restless Cyprus organizing Committee together with our Action Chairs and to allow us to have a peak at the draft, that unfinished as is, it already loops amazingly appealing.


The event extends over 3 days: 8, 9 and 10 of APRIL.

On the first day of the meeting, GeneHumdi is hosting a public conference driven by the action mission to reach all society groups and provide young and early career access to our network.

The Opening day features an outstanding Keynote talk to highlight gender roles in science and the educational session with prestigious prestigious speakers of science, healthcare, industry partners and selected abstracts from Inclusiveness Target Countries and Early Career Scientist. It will be followed by a technical session on new developments.

The second day will be a communion to strengthen the different working groups. Having members from each working group present and discuss the challenges and opportunity that the WG members have already identified.

The closing day will be an executive meeting for the rapporteurs and WG Leaders to discuss the state of the action and the task planned. They will set the blueprint for the consecution of the GeneHumdi Action deliverables in 2024.



Separate Sessions for each WG will be held in which selected active members and Tasl-leaders will present progres, challenges, and opportunities identified during the completion of the planned task. We are getting ready to welcome all GeneHumdi Members that can join our COST Action annual meeting. We are preparing a thrilling 3 day agenda including outstanding conferences of leaders, key partners and active members from all working groups


The local organizing team leaded by Carsten Lederer, has secured The venue is Pefkos Hotel Limassol in Limassol,Cyprus (https://pefkoshotel.com) . The recently renovated Pefkos City Hotel – opened 7 June 2018. It is the nearest Hotel and within walking distance  10 to 15 minutes) to the Limassol Marina, the famous Medieval Castle area in the Old City and the nightlife at Saripolou Square as well as the main shopping area of Limassol City

Closest international Airports by road:

Paphos International Airport (40 min drive)

Larnaca International Airport (LCA) (49 min drive)


Our COST Action has grown to over 250 members, which makes impossible to grant sufficient funding for all members. However, WG leaders are entrusted with the task of identifying most active members inside each WG to make sure that they can continue their contribution in the annual meetings.

On Day1, there is a full session devoted to Inclusiveness Target countries and Early Career Scientist (Yes, graduated students and postdocs/industry under training are welcome!!). To fill this session, Abstract submission will be needed together with your application, and “Invited speakers” will be selected according to scientific criteria and GeneHumdi COST Action policies.


Application for ITC and ECR will open son, please follow the CSOT Action 21113 (GeneHumdi) media and review the email address you provide upon signing up.



Given the dimension of the network, and the increasing interest in the meeting we appreciate Silver, Gold and Platinum Partners’ support to help provide networking opportunities to members and non-COST eligible assistants. Platinum partners are invited to introduce themselves during Day 1 Public conference. For more information on how to support the GeneHumdi mission during the meeting contact Carsten Lederer (lederer@cing.ac.cy)

(Local) Media opportunities

This event will bring together science, industry, healthcare, and regulatory key players from all around Europe. If you wish to help covering this influential meeting, or you are a press member interested in interviewing or report the event into your network, of for any other consults please refer to the SCC: javier.molina@genyo.es

See you at Limassol!!

Javier Molina & Carsten Lederer on behalf of the 2nd GeneHumdi Organizing Committee.
Granada, 3 February 2024

Workshop on CRISPR Technologies and iPSC-Based Disease Models

We are thrilled to announce a virtual seminar series dedicated to the innovative domains of CRISPR technologies and iPSC-based disease models. Join us to gain insights from experts in gene editing and iPSC modeling.

Seminar Series Highlights:

– Introduction to CRISPR (CRISPR 101)

– Potential of iPSC-Based Disease Models

– Massively parallel CRISPR/Cas gene perturbation

– CRISPR-Based Gene Modulation Techniques

– Strategies for Efficient Gene Editing Delivery

– Immune Modulation via Gene Editing

📅 Dates: 14th – 24th November

⏰ Time: 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM

🔗 Access Link to the Seminars: (will be announced soon)

Expand Your Network!

Alongside the seminar series, we are also launching virtual forums, envisioned as a platform for enthusiasts, experts, and novices alike. Dive into discussions, share your thoughts, and pose questions. Let’s build a thriving community centered on the transformative potential of gene editing and its clinical applications.

🔗 Join the Forums on Discord: https://discord.gg/w2tBhrqF

Stay tuned for more detailed information. Ensure you’re connected to our Discord server to stay updated.

As a token of appreciation, certificates of attendance will be provided to those who attend the seminar series.

Registration Form: https://forms.office.com/r/7LtcFa6scy

Any question, you can contact directly the organizer 📧alvaro.plaza@cabimer.es

or our Grant Holder Manager 📧mariaj.bazuelo@juntadeandalucia.es

GenEHumdi nurtures Gene Therapy colaborative networks between EU and Morroco.

Moroccan Society of Genomics and Human Genetics (SM2GH) and Spanish Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (SETGyC) Forge Strategic Collaboration

The Moroccan Society of Genomics and Human Genetics (SM2GH) and the Spanish Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (SETGyC) are thrilled to announce a groundbreaking collaborative agreement, signed on Friday, October 20th, 2023, to advance scientific and educational cooperation between the two esteemed organizations.

This historic collaboration aims to foster partnerships between the SM2GH and the SETGyC, focusing on the pivotal domains of human genetics, immunogenetics, genome editing, and the development of gene and cell therapies. At the core of this alliance is a shared commitment to nurturing the growth and development of young researchers, regardless of their Moroccan or Spanish origins.

Key objectives of this collaborative agreement include:

  1. Student and Young Researcher Training: Both societies are dedicated to equipping the next generation of scientists with the knowledge and skills needed in the fields of genome editing, gene therapy, and cell therapy.
  2. Training of Trainers: The collaboration will facilitate the training of trainers in the specialized areas of genome editing and gene and cell therapy, ensuring a sustainable knowledge transfer process.
  3. Joint Educational Initiatives: SM2GH and SETGyC will co-organize a series of courses, workshops, and conferences that cater to the scientific interests of both societies. These events will serve as hubs for knowledge exchange and collaboration, bringing together experts from both Morocco and Spain.

The implementation of this agreement will also be facilitated through the Cost Action CA21113, “Gene Editing for the Treatment of Human Diseases” (GenEHumDi). By leveraging this initiative, Professor Khalid Sadki, the Founder and President of SM2GH, will embark on a Short Term Scientific Mission (STMS) to Donostia, Spain, further strengthening the bonds of cooperation between the two societies. The meeting in Donostia witnessed the historic agreement being co-signed by Professor Ander Izeta, President of SETGyC, and Professor Khalid Sadki, the visionary leader behind SM2GH.

The signing of this collaborative agreement represents a significant milestone in the pursuit of scientific excellence, cross-cultural understanding, and the advancement of human genetics, genome editing, and gene and cell therapy. Both SM2GH and SETGyC are committed to nurturing the talent of young scientists and researchers in Morocco and Spain, ushering in a new era of scientific progress and innovation.

For media inquiries and more information, please contact: the Cost Action CA21113 SCC Coordinator.

About SM2GH

The Moroccan Society of Genomics and Human Genetics (SM2GH) is a leading scientific organization dedicated to advancing research and education in the fields of genomics and human genetics in Morocco. Founded by Professor Khalid Sadki, SM2GH is committed to promoting scientific excellence, fostering collaboration, and facilitating knowledge exchange among professionals and students in Morocco and beyond. More information in its website: https://www.sm2gh.ma/

About SETGyC

The Spanish Society of Gene and Cell Therapy (SETGyC) is a distinguished institution at the forefront of research and development in gene and cell therapies in Spain. Led by President Professor Ander Izeta, SETGyC is focused on driving scientific innovation, fostering educational initiatives, and facilitating partnerships within the field of gene and cell therapy. Find more in : https://www.setgyc.es/

About GenEHumDi

The GENome Editing for the treatment HUMan DIseases (GenEHumdi|COST Action 21113) is an EU funded initiative to fuel promotion of laboratory proven Genome Editing technologies towards clinical implementation. Such therapeutic strategies requires coordination and of basic, applied, industrial, and pharmaceutical scientist in addition to industry and regulatory agencies. This initiative is currently chaired by prof, Karim Benabdel and Alessia Cavazza.

New Open Call for Virtual Mobilities – Apply Now for Your Chance to Secure a Grant!

[Granada, October 2023] – COST Action CA21113 is thrilled to announce a new open call for Virtual Mobility (VM) grants, offering an outstanding opportunity for researchers and innovators to engage in virtual collaborations that can accelerate your career and broaden your network.

5 Grants Available!

We’re allocating a total of 5 Virtual Mobility grants, opening doors for enthusiastic individuals ready to embark on a journey of knowledge exchange, skill enhancement, and networking within the COST Action community.

What is Virtual Mobility (VM)?

Virtual Mobility is a dynamic collaboration in a virtual setting among researchers or innovators within the COST Action network. It allows participants to exchange knowledge, learn new techniques, and contribute to the advancement of European knowledge creation and innovation potential.

Why should you apply for a VM grant?

  • For COST Action: VM grants are a flexible tool to implement virtual activities, achieve MoU objectives, and increase our European impact and reach.
  • For VM Grantees: By participating in VM activities, you’ll develop essential capacities in virtual collaboration and networking within a pan-European framework, enhancing your career and skills.

Opportunities Await

COST Action CA21113 is looking for researchers to undertake the following tasks within the Virtual Mobility program:

  • Virtual Mentoring Scheme: Focus on activities and exchanges that build capacity and new skills, particularly for Young Researchers and Innovators.
  • Harmonization and Standardization: Support the standardization of methods and procedures within our network through coordination and preparation.
  • Research Coordination Activities: Assist in activities that do not require in-person presence, such as computational or modeling tasks and data analysis.

Application Details

To apply for a VM grant, you’ll need to prepare:

  • Title: A concise title for your proposed activity.
  • Start and End Date: Ensure it falls within the active Grant Period.
  • Budget Requested: Specify the budget you require.

Additionally, you must upload:

  • Application Form: Utilize the provided template on e-COST, describing your main objective, work plan, participation strategy, expected outcomes, and how your activity contributes to the Action MoU objectives.
  • Other Required Documents: Any additional documents requested by the Action (e.g., recommendation letters, etc.).

Important Dates

  • Application Deadline: Submit your proposals by 15/10/2023.
  • Reporting and Payment Claim: Submit required reports and documentation via e-COST by 5th November 2023.

Funding Scheme

  • Name: Virtual Mobility Grant
  • Scope: Providing a contribution for the overall effort.
  • Maximum Amount (EUR): Up to EUR 1,500.00 per grant.
  • Decision of the Amount: Decided by the Action MC or Core Group based on evaluator recommendations, reflecting the task’s duration, scope, and complexity.

Don’t miss this incredible opportunity to elevate your research and innovation skills. Contact our Grant Holder Manager, Maria Bazuelo, at 📩 mariaj.bazuelo@juntadeandalucia.es for details and application guidance.

Join us in advancing European leadership in knowledge creation and innovation. Apply for a Virtual Mobility grant today!
READ FULL CALL HERE: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ok5SU93TN6o1ptKGNV07f-0junKwNDDx/view?usp=sharing

About GenEHumDi, COST Action CA21113

Gene Editing for treatment of Humans diseases ( GenEHumDi) COST Action CA21113 fosters collaboration and innovation among European researchers and innovators. Our Virtual Mobility program empowers individuals with tools to excel in their fields and contribute to the European research community.

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