2023-2024 period has been fruitful with many steeps and networking connections getting us closer to our objectives. This reports are just proof!
Two years ago, COST Action CA21113 was given green light and we started this adventure of seeking for members willing to help us build an European network aiming to make Genome Editing for the treatment of Human Disease a reality.
We have now reach half of the action’s lifespan and is a great moment to reflect on the achievements and contribution of the academic and industry researchers, Advance Medicine technicians and engineers, Healthcare professionals, Scientific Divulgators, Regulatory and patient advocacy groups.
We are very proud of the hard work of volunteers, and the commitment of young talent to help GeneHumdi initiatives.
Today we wanted to compile some of the recent achievements in this post entry, to pay tribute to the good work of the volunteer members. During this 2 years we had to rethink our structure and embrace in a single WG the interest of industry a regulatory actors, leaving the action with the following structure:
- WG2 – Improvement of GE technology
- WG3 – Delivery Strategies
- WG4 – Safety issues: Monitoring and standardization
- WG5 – Translation into the clinic
- WG6 – Technology transfer and industry / Regulatory issues
- WG7 – Dissemination
This structure is helping both advancing within the focused scope of the WG and also nurturing collaborative works that materialized the following COST Action achievements:
Genome Editing tools Reference Document
WG2 – Improvement of GE technology, led by Rasmus O. Bak presented the network with a reference document with an overview of Genome Editing tools and members’ interests within our COST action network
Reference WG2 Document including efficacy, specificity and catalogue of producers of the available endonucleases independent GE tools.
GeneHumdi consensual hand-book on cells types where further improvements are required to achieve efficient and specific GE.
This has been expanded to the realization of actual Training Schools to instruct younger scientist and future industry leaders into the use of genome editing tools
Ljubljana 2024 TS Report.
Aarhus University 2024 TS Report
Standardized procedure protocols for the determination of off-target for experimental use in preclinical and clinical studies
Fruit of interactions between members from different Working Group members, GenE-HumDi COST action is nourishing collaborative works, and the Scientific articles produced by Members are Proof:
Granada 2024 TS
Summary of the SEcond Period General Meeting held in Limassol , Cypryus
During our second general meeting we engaged EU genome editing leaders in Limassol in a collaborative meeting . This Meeting was instrumental for the materialization of collaborations that are yielding scientific revision on genome editing and to promote the capabilities of young researchers in our network.
GeneHumdi second year General Meeting contents.
Guidelines and reflections concerning regulatory aspects of new gene editing tools
Technology transfer, industry and regulatory issues working group, leaded by Carsten Lederer, have recently shared a great reference document elaborated by WG6 members. The Full text is openly available.
WG6 – Technology transfer and industry / Regulatory issues Reference Document.
Strategic Dissemination Plan
Originally drafted by the action SCC, Fco. Javier Molina, and former WG7 leader, Luís Montoliu. And approved by MC members, the plan describes the methods and protocols for the liaison between networks members, working groups and external stakeholders.
GeneHumdi Dissemination Plan
Booklet summarizing all the main conference of each WG during the half-life of the action
This a great moment in the Actions life to reckon on the progress of the network activity. We have elaborated a proceeding booklet summarizing all the main conference of each WG during the half life of the action. This detailed summary of the WG records is helping us to learn from the many successes achieved and identify areas that will need further attention in the upcoming years of the network
GeneHumdi Half life report
Summary of state of the art concerns and opportunities for Genome Editing in the Medical Field.
During our Kick-off Meeting we manage to gather European leaders. Our call is still open to all different gears involved in the research, translation, experimental medical application, medical approval and healthcare access and patient advocacy. But our scope is fixed in making Genome editing technologies an actual medical option.
GeneHumdi Kick-off meeting contents.
Updated on 2024.10.09
Dr. Karim Benabdellah
Dr. Fco Javier Molina Estevez
GHM: Raquel Soriano e mail: raquel.soriano@juntadeandalucia.es