Coupling Genome Editing Tools with Delivery Systems

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Genome editing tools and their delivery systems are advancing quickly, but they rely on each other to improve genome editing methods. This meeting will showcase the latest developments in both areas and foster connections and collaborations among scientists to boost the effectiveness of their research projects.

This is open event organized by Genome Editing for the treatment of Human Disease ( GeneHumdi| COST action 21113). A network committed to foster therapeutic genome editing therapeutic by nourishing collaborative networks and promoting early career scientist and industry engagement with the field. In this Workshop we will:

  • 1. Identify and evaluate the existing endonuclease-independent platforms (EIP) and their potential uses in various applications.
  • 2. Identify and evaluate the existing endonuclease-dependent platforms and their potential uses in various applications.
  • 3. Create a comprehensive overview of the current delivery methods used for genome editing (GE) in various cell types for clinical applications.
  • 4. Create a comprehensive overview of the current delivery methods used for in vivo genome editing (GE) in different animal models and clinical environments

This workshop is made possible thanks to a collaboration of GenE-Humdi and IDIBELL. We are thrilled to announce that several field leaders are now confirmed speakers:

  • Dr. Marc Güell (Pompeu Fabra University, Spain)
  • Dr. Vittoria. Raffa (Associate Professor in Molecular Biology, Ph.D. in Nanotechnology, M.Sc. in Chemical Engineering, Italy)
  • Dr.  Giedrius Gasiunas (Caszyme, Lithuania)
  • Dr. Peng Ling (Aix-Marseille Université, CNRS, Centre Interdisciplinaire de Nanoscience de Marseille, France)
  • Dr. Julian Cerón Madrigal (Institut d’Investigació Biomèdica de Bellvitge, Spain)
  • Dr. Karen O´Hanlon Cohrt (CRISPR Medicine News, Denmark)
  • Dr. Alessia Cavazza (UCL, UK)
  • Dr. Fco Javier Molina Estévez (GENyO, Spain)
  • Dr. Laura Batlle Morera (CRG, Barcelona)
  • Dr. Benabdellah Karim (GENyO, Spain)
  • Dr. Gloria Gonzalez Aseguinolaza (DNA & RNA Medicine Division, Gene Therapy for Rare Diseases Department, Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA), University of Navarra, IdisNA, Spain).
  • Dr. Cecilia Jiménez-Mallebrera (Neuromuscular Unit. Institut de Recerca Sant Joan de Deu. Hospital Sant Joan de Déu Barcelona, Spain).
  • Dr. Mariana Köber (Biomedical Research Network on Bioengineering, Biomaterials and Nanomedicine (CIBER-BBN), Spain)
  • Dr. Carles J. Ciudad (Universitat de Barcelona, Spain)
  • Dr. Jan Gorodkin (Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences, Center for non-coding RNA in Technology and Health, University of Copenhagen, Denmark.).

Residencia de Investigadores del CSIC

Carrer de l’Hospital, 64, Ciutat Vella, 08001 Barcelona

Two Days Packed with Science:
Thursday October 3rd ( 2:00 pm to 8 pm ) and Friday October 4th (9:00 am to 15 pm), 2024.

Free attendance:
Registration is needed as space is limited to maximize networking. Signature control will be required and assistance certificates will be available upon request.

To register as attendee or presenter, fill the form and send it to GeneHumdi Grant Holder Manager ( September 15th!


Organizing committee and contacts:
Dr. Julian Cerón Madrigal
Dr. Francisco Martin Molina
Dr. Karim Benabdellah
Dr. Fco Javier Molina Estevez
GHM: Raquel Soriano e mail:

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