Category: General Monthly Meeting COST CA21113 WG6 - Regulatory, Technological Transfer & Industry

Monthly Meeting COST CA21113 WG6 - Regulatory, Technological Transfer & Industry

June 7, 2024

CA21113 GenE-HumDi’s working group WG6 – Regulatory, Technological Transfer & Industry on Friday. Please see attached the summary of our WG6 Discussion in Limassol as prepared by Rajeevkumar Nair Raveendran (and slightly modified by me), as a basis for our discussion.


I look forward to seeing you here on Zoom:!


2024-06-07 WG6 Online Meeting Agenda

  1. Welcome, introductions (as required)
  2. CA21113 CY 2024
  1. Meeting Comments [CWL, All]
  2. WG6 Discussion Summary (based on Rajeev’s Minutes) [CWL/Rajeev, All]
  1. Prioritizing one of the four challenges for action [All]
  2. AOB [All]

With kind regards,


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